Movie Night Under the Stars

Thursday, Sept. 3rd, 8:15-8:40 arrival
Movie will start at 8:45pm
Red Cedar Church, 550 W. Grand River, Okemos 48864

Why watch a movie indoors when we can watch one together under the stars and enjoy those last feelings of summer?

We will start the movie at 8:45pm, so arrive with enough time to park and get situated in your spot!  We will be using the church's parking lot, which means most of the spots will be on concrete so bring a blanket, pillow, or chair to watch the movie.

We’ll all need to keep our masks on during the movie to keep each other safe, and will have extras available. We will also have the outdoor area sectioned off so that people will be able to social distance from others. Roommates will be able to sit with each other if they would like, but we are asking that social distancing be used with those who aren’t roommates.

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