Enjoying Your Time with the Lord

enjoying your time with the Lord.png

Monday, January 25th
7:00pm at Red Cedar Church

Join Nathan and Courtney Reynolds for an interactive workshop on finding more joy in your time with the Lord. There will be opportunity share current practices you enjoy as well as what can demotivate you. Nathan and Courtney will discuss what should be true for everyone’s time with the Lord, but also focus on how your time can individually match the personality God has given you. The goal will be leaving encouraged and excited for the different ways you can spend quality time with the Lord.

Please sign up below. The time will be in person, but masks and social distancing will be required. If you are interested in the time but can’t make it or would prefer something on Zoom, please email Nathan at nathan.reynolds@cru.org. If there is enough interest we might be able to do an additional time.


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