Book Club - ‘Sent’


Winter Break is coming (🙌🏼) & we have an invitation for you to read with us!

❄️ The Cru staff team would love to invite you to a book club Wed. Jan 19th. The book is called SENT: Living a Life That Invites Others to Jesus by Heather & Ashley Holleman.

❄️ We would love to purchase a book for anyone who is willing to read this book over Christmas break. This short book is written by a husband and wife team. They are polar opposites in personality and gifting and have written the book from both of their unique perspectives. They realize that God has called every believer to tell others about the amazing love of Jesus Christ, no matter if they are an extrovert or an introvert, no matter if they consider themselves gifted or not…every believer is Sent. This book provides practical tips and faith steps in order to fulfill God’s calling on our lives.

❄️ Please contact if you would like us to order a copy of this book for you or sign up on the google form provided in neighborhood groupme. Thanks!


Real Life Workshops


Winter Conference 2021